Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment
If you are seeking one-on-one personalized coaching, you start here. As a Nutritionist and Health Coach it is very important to me that all your health concerns be addressed; only then can you successfully achieve your goals. For this to happen during your livingwell program, I walk you through a very detailed initial asssement.
This appointment is 1 to 1.5 hours and consists of some paperwork but mostly a detailed health assessment. I asked many questions about your health concerns, current symptoms, family health history and of course your health goals. I also ask questions from "head to toe" and emotions. All of these questions are asked for several reasons. First to properly assess possible obstacles to reaching your goals. Second, to have evaluation markers to assess what improves with nutritional changes and which chronic symptoms will need specialized attention with other tools. Third, to uncover symptoms that are either caused by or aggravated by certain foods.
Only with all of this information can I recommend the best nutrition strategies for you to follow and achieve your own health goals.
In most cases 80% of your symptoms are linked to your nutrition. Nutrition is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your health and reach your goals.